Sponsors Wanted!
We welcome all business
Package 1 A $50.00 per year
Listing with phone number and your website link - on our website only
Package 1 B $50.00 per year
Business card in Kendal Newsday newsletter (sent 12 times per year)
Package 2 $100.00 per year
Listing with phone number and your website link on our website
+ business card in Kendal Newsday newsletter (sent 12 times per year)
Package 3 $125.00 per year
Listing with phone number and your website link
+ business card in Kendal Newsday newsletter (sent 12 times per year)
+ featured sponsor business card ad on the website
Package 4 $150.00 per year
Listing with phone number and your website link
+ business card in Kendal Newsday newsletter (sent 12 times per year)
+ featured sponsor business card ad on the website
+Photos (max of 3)
Thank you!
for more information, please contact:
Board Members 905-983-5204 or kendalcommunitycentre@hotmail.ca or kendalnewsday@msn.com